Nonlinear Optics and Photonics Group

The Optics Department of the FEMTO-ST research institute carries out both fundamental and applied research in many areas of modern optics including nonlinear optics, ultrafast optics, quantum optics, chaos and nonlinear dynamics, nanophotonics and telecommunications. Prof. John Dudley and Dr Thibaut Sylvestre are supervising theoretical and experimental studies of fundamental nonlinear optical phenomena with the aim of investigating potential applications to telecommunications, lasers, sensors and supercontinuum (SC) sources. The group has supercomputer facility for SC modelling, all the necessary equipment for SC experiments including pulsed and CW Lasers, OPOs, spectrum analysers, nonlinear optical fibers, real time measurement systems, FROG trace, etc.

Link to Nonlinear Optics and Photonics Group

Link to Optoelectronics Group

Link to Department of Optics and Photonics

Link to John Dudley's page
19 APRIL 2024